Join us for a light soup supper and communion at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

During the Last Supper, Jesus kneels to wash his disciples’ feet. When he comes to Peter, we see a similar pattern unfold yet again: reluctance then exuberance. Peter initially resits, but then he wholeheartedly submits. We see this duality in Peter often, but do we also see these patterns in ourselves? Peter is named “Cephas,” which means “the rock.” In this story, we imagine that God’s grace reshapes him in the way that water softens the rough edges of stone. When we, like Peter, are reluctant and resistant to receiving love, can we remember that streams of mercy are never ceasing? Will we be reshaped by grace?
Note: This series was based on “Wandering Heart,” a curriculum of A Sanctified Art. All materials have been purchased and used with permission. Learn more here.