Examples of Peace

Logo for Presbyterian Peace Fellowship--Dove with "peace" in many languages

The following videos may give us ideas of how we might be God’s hands and feet as bringers of peace

Guest Preacher Sunday, May 21

Picture of Rev. Achowah Umenei

We are excited to be welcoming Rev. Achowah Umenei, who is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, to the FPCD pulpit. Read his biography within.

Holy Humor Sunday April 30

words about joy in the shape of a heart, pixabay

When was the last time you laughed? Laughter—especially a good belly laugh—seems to havecleansing power. Join us this Sunday as we attempt some Holy Humor and consider the gift of aglad and generous heart. Learn more about Holy Humor Sunday Here. Find a list of Scriptures about joy and laughter here. Click to see all […]