Elvis Presley famously recorded “Blue Christmas,” a song about feeling blue–feeling sorrow–during the Christmas Season because of a lost love. Whether we are without a loved one because of death or physical distance or estrangement, the holidays can be both a time of joy and sorrow.

blue christmas ornament, pixabay

This year at First Presbyterian Church of DuPage, we created a space to mourn during the holiday season; the FPCD Chapel is a “Blue Room.”

At any time during office hours, before or after church, or by appointment, you are invited to come and pray in the Blue Room. There are ornaments you can decorate in honor of a loved one. Or you can bring your own to add to the tree. Written prayers are provided. Or you are invited to simply sit in silence.

Also, near the longest night of the year, we will have a special prayer service for those who are grieving. On Saturday, December 21 at noon Pastor Wally from Hope UCC and Pastor KJ from FPCD will be joining together to lead a time of prayer and worship to name our sorrows before God. All members, regular attenders, and guests of both churches are welcome to come and pray in the Chapel.