The 2023 Edition of Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of DuPage 1833-2023 is complete! Get your copy for only $20 plus $2 shipping anywhere in the United States.
The Historical Sketch features 65 pages of fascinating stories from the first settlements in the parish to the current church of this age. This work was first written by member James D. Bingle in 1958 but was fully updated and edited this year by Church Historian Roy Altonen and Librarian Nancy Hackett. The assistance of young adult member Alyssa Crebo enables this edition to contain photographs from the archives. Many pictures are black and white or sepia as fitting with their era, and new full-color photographs have been added as well.
Don’t miss your opportunity to learn the history of God’s faithfulness over the past 190 years here at FPCD and to honor the work of Roy, Nancy, and Alyssa! Email the church office today to get your copy.